Teacher appreciation week is coming. What better way to show your gratitude than to write a thank you note to the preschool teacher. Teachers work hard. Every day they encounter challenges and obstacles that must be overcome.
Teachers don’t do it for the money as they aren’t paid nearly enough.
What do you write in a thank you card for a teacher?
Below you will find a collection of tips and suggestions for writing the best thank you note to your child’s teacher.
What does a student write in a teacher’s thank you card?
The first step in any note is a good greeting. You may let your child start the letter with hi, hello, or dear teacher. While that is fine, it may connect better by saying “Dear Mrs., Ms., or Mr. __________.” Most people’s favorite word is their own name and teachers would be no different.
A. What Is In The Letter?
You can start by asking some thought-provoking questions. You want kids to tell their teachers that they appreciate them, that they learned something useful, and that they remember something special from the school year.
Questions to Generate Ideas for the Letter
Question 1: What do you like most about your teacher?
Question 2: What did learn this year?
Question 3: What was your favorite part of this school year?
Question 4: How did your teacher make you feel?
Some example answers could be:
Answer 1: She’s nice. She helps me.
Answer 2: I learned to count to 10. I learned to write my name.
Answer 3: I liked opening presents at our Christmas party. I liked dressing up for Halloween.
Answer 4: Happy. Smart.
There are a few sentences below that you could use to help craft an appreciation letter.
“Thank you for teaching me to count to 10. This will help me count my Halloween candy this year.”
“Thank you for taking care of me this year. I needed all that help with math, and I am glad you are the one who helped me.”
“Thank you for being my teacher this year. You were so nice and helped me learn to count.”
You can use a few sentences like this strung together to create a letter. The body of the letter will let the teacher know how the school year went through the eyes of the student.
B. How Do You Close The Letter?
Pick a closing that resonates with you and your child. If using Love, Caitlin doesn’t seem like the right wording, go with sincerely or just the child’s name.
“I hope I get to see you next year. Love, Caitlin.”
“I will miss you next year. Sincerely, Lucas.”
\”I hope you have fun this summer! Thomas.”
Every closing that you use should be something that the teacher will expect. You know how your kid is most of the time, and you can use that information to help complete the letter in the best way possible.
C. How To Deliver The Letter
The best way to deliver the letter is to put it in an envelope and have the child give it to the teacher personally. If there is an additional gift you could include the letter with the gift. Simply tape the letter to the present or tuck it into the gift bag.
How does a parent write a thank you note to a preschool teacher?
Thank you notes from parents should be much more extensive when they are given for teacher appreciation week.
You will be pretty happy with the letter if you sit down and think about all the little things that you appreciate about the teacher.
You are welcome to write a letter using more formal language, and you might choose to use the teacher’s first name.
Teachers are called by their last name all day, and it would be better for you to talk to them like an adult.
“Dear Crystal”
“Dearest Sharon”
All these openings make your letter much nicer to read, and the body of the letter must be laid out so that you cover all the topics that are most important to the teacher.
You want the teacher to know how you feel about them, and you want to write in a style that is best suited to your personality. They want to know you as an adult, and you could become their friend if you close the school year well.
A. What Do You Say?
This is the time that you tell the teacher that you liked the way they interacted with your child, or you could tell them that you liked the way they ran the class.
This is the perfect time for you to share all the little things you learned from the teacher, and you can tell them that you know how much they were caring and kind to your child.
B. Thank Them For Their Service
Teachers need to be thanked for their service just as much as people in the military. You should spend some time in the letter letting the teacher know that you appreciate all that they have sacrificed just to be at school.
You must talk to them about the things that you want to help them with, and you could offer your assistance in the future.
Some teachers always have the same parents helping them because those parents were willing to offer their services. You might be one of those people.
C. Close The Letter
Here are some appropriate closings to use in the letter:
Best regards,
Warmest regards,
Kind regards,
I would recommend avoiding the following closings:
Yours truly,
It’s good to put yourself in the shoes of the teacher doing the reading. If you were to put “Love, Jane” would it seem awkward? For this particular letter type, I would lean towards “warmest regards” or “sincerely.”
Thank You Quotes For Preschool Teachers
Using a good thank you quote can help show the impact the teacher has made in your child’s life. You can find quotes online, and there are a couple listed here:
“The influence of a good teacher is never erased.”
“It takes a big heart to help shape little minds.”
“For your patience and caring, kind words and sharing, I want to say thank you.”
Using a good quote in your letter can help make the point that the teacher matters, and you could open the letter with one of these quotes.
You might write the quote on the envelope, and you could use the quotes inside the letter to help the teacher remember how special they are.
Teachers love inspirational quotes, and they will take those to heart when you have taken the time to write them into the letter.
Composing the Letter of Appreciation
Taking the time to handwrite the letter is a great way to go. In the world of technology, it can be rare to get handwritten notes. That’s what helps them stand out.
You could write the letter in your favorite pen, or you could write the letter in a calligraphy style that you have practiced over many years.
You are trying to give the teacher and experience that they will appreciate, and the handwriting for your letter makes all the difference.
The kids who write their own letters should be allowed to write in the medium of their choosing. You might let your kid write in pencil, or you could allow them to write in crayon.
You must let your kid ve as expressive as possible, and they will produce something that is good for the teacher. They will feel accomplished because they have been given this letter, and they will know that you have put so much work into it.
Sample Teacher Thank You Letters
This is a sample letter from a child that could help you get some ideas for the letter. It could be much longer, but we want you to know how to begin.
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for teaching me this year. I really liked being in your class, and I will miss you next year. Thank you for the treats on Fridays, for letting us go to recess, and for being so nice. I think you are the best teacher in the whole world.
A sample letter for parents is a little bit longer simply because there are more things to say.
You could use this letter as a way to start your writing. Adults usually need more time to decide what to say, and you will have a lovely letter to give to the teacher when the school year ends.
Dear Cheryl,
I cannot thank you enough for teaching Timmy this year. I am so glad that he had a compassionate teacher like you. I love the way you are so kind to the kids and call them friends.
After a school year of hard work, I hope that you have the most restful summer. You are a true asset to our schools, and you will be truly missed in our family. If you ever need anything from me, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you so much.
Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas
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The letter that you write for a teacher at the end of the year or during teacher appreciation week must be something that the teacher will treasure for years to come.
Use the format above to get started, use quotes where you can, and help your child write their letter when the time is right. This is also a great way to build your child’s self esteem. They will feel good because they are doing good.
We hope you have been equipped with the basics for saying thank you to teachers in a note, whether it’s from a child or a parent.
Feeling kind and generous? Head over to our random acts of kindness page to see if there is some more good you would like to do in the world.